Thursday, 5 December 2013

Wrong email address!

I figured out in the last few days that I've been communicating with the SS much better over SMS than I was over email. I felt that it must be really strange that I'm not getting a reply to my emails. Well I sent off a confirmation SMS to SS and also emailed our CSA regarding the issue. And what do you know? CSA tells me that it is not the correct email address for my SS!!
Doh! No wonder I was getting no replies! Anyway she apologised and provided the correct email address. Same with SS, I spoke with him and he clarified.

So I was able to send the H&K Ryan inspection report to SS in time before the internal linings were done. He confirmed that they were fixed which is great. So yes, I thought I'd include a special seperate post for this problem as I feel that it is quite a major mistake. I'm really happy with the communication working now but I feel that things really could have been worse if I didn't ask CSA about it. I will most definately be providing this feedback to EBH towards the completion of our home.

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